Nimble Race Shoes

The Art of Tailored Race-Slippers. Handmade in Italy

Posted by Philip Cavell


Nimbl Ultimate Pro-Edition at Cyclefit

"Nimbl was born alongside the riders. We created our first shoes with the pros in mind, and we continue to take their needs into account."


Nimbl Race Slippers in London!

The Nimbl ethos stands on but a few pillars -

  • Handmade in Italy by generations of craftsfolk
  • Nimbl have been conceived to excel in the World Tour performance hothouse
  • Nimbl must be minimally beautiful

Resolving that uncompromising triumvirate requires painstaking work and focus.

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Hand tailored in Marche (near Ascona) Italy

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Foreground - Wout's personal Nimbl last

Cyclefit Mantra - Fit The Foot First!

"Fit The Foot First" has been our obsession and 1st law of bike-fitting at Cyclefit for over twenty years. We have worked with our Podiatrist, Mick Habgood for fifteen of those years. Everyone who pedals into Cyclefit will inevitably have their feet patiently measured and evaluated. Whether they are in for a Cyclefit or a New Shoe Fit

"No shoe will fit every foot - but there is always the perfect shoe out there for every foot type"


Vaughn quantifies Nimbl last design

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Foot dimensions and posture assessed for Nimbl shoe

"Never buy any brand of cycling shoes without being professionally measured. Foot pain is our number one referral issue at Cyclefit"

The Nimbl Foot - It's All About Me

The feet in the pictures are mine. I have been struggling with 5th metatarsal pain on my right foot since 2023 Mallorca training camp. Suddenly my Shimano S-Phyre RC9's and Mick's orthotics no longer alchemised their pedalling elixir. At the very same time my 15 year run on Fizik Aliante came to an abrupt halt. Bike-fitting is indeed process and not event. My body had changed but my position and equipment had not.

The Cyclefit 2nd law of bike-fitting - bike-fitters tend to put themselves last.

Cinderalla or Ugly Sister?

I had my new orthotics from Mick ready to go but no shoes to put them in. But I soon slid down the pole at The Fire Station and straight into a New Shoe Fit with Vaughn, once the Nimbls finally landed.

Was it because I thought the Nimbl last would work well with my foot type? Or that I was attracted like a magpie, to wearing foot-art at any price?

Whilst I fondled the Nimbl shoes and box, Vaughn talked me through his methodology and findings:

  • Left foot 1/2 size longer than right
  • Right proportionally wider (D)
  • Seated and standing arch height the same (30) on both feet
  • Prominent cuneiform - more on right
  • Narrow heel

I was potentially a shoe-in for Nimbl!

"Handmade in Italy is one of our big values"

PHOTO 2024 08 07 14 26 01 2

Phil may indeed go to the ball. Hard science or confirmation bias? Time will tell.

Shoe-In -The Nimbl Ultimate

What a coincidence. The most expensive and elegant shoe bicycle shoe in London was actually made for my foot. So what is the core of the Nimbl design

  • Tray-shaped carbon shell that wrap the heel and mid-foot
  • Wide toe-box
  • Carbon monocoque chassis and hand-crafted layup
  • 195 grams per shoe
  • Low (2mm) stack
  • Made in Italy by artisans
  • Favoured by professional riders

I will of course report back how they feel. First night feedback. They were very comfortable in bed.

Nimbl ULTIMATE Pro-Edition - £499

Available now in appropriately tiny quantities at Cyclefit. Please book in for a New Shoe Fitting

Please never buy any brand of cycling shoes without being professionally measured. Foot pain is our number one referral issue at Cyclefit.

In case you were wondering - my saddle problems have been corrected by fitting for a custom moulded Reform Tantalus saddle.

"Designed with a deliberately minimalist silhouette, the new shoes have been engineered for maximum performance"


About the author

Philip Cavell, Co-founder

Co-founder, bike fitter and bike designer, author. Phil rides a Seven Axiom XX custom titanium bike and an Airnimal Joey folding bike. He wrote The Midlife Cyclist and enjoys walking his dog, reading, politics and the outdoors. Phil's specialism is working with clients who have complex and frequently chronic issues. Phil is most at home working in a collegiate, multi-disciplinary team, to help clients resolve intricate issues.

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