Imagined, re-imagined, weighed, considered. And then painstakingly executed. We love projects like Garry's XX
"to stretch aesthetic sinew in order to bring something into existence that will endure"
Garry's Project Seven XX
There are quite a few bikes on this gallery that we have co-authored with architect clients. It is always a reviving process. They understand the choreography of collaboration to achieve something truly original and spectacular - the bending of materials and light to express their will. They trust us to accurately express their biomechanics into an optimal CAD drawing. They trust the factory (in this case Seven) to fabricate with skill and judgement to represent their riding style and weight, in the tubing diameters butting profiles. And trust themselves to stretch aesthetic sinew in order to bring something into existence that will endure. There is no line, tone, shade or hue here, that doesn't exist for the best of all reasons. Because Garry wants it to.

I don't think we will ever get bored of feasting on the details of this bike!