Seven Cycles

Shared Values

Seven Cycles in Boston are the builder's builder. Every custom company measures themselves against Seven. Titanium specialists, R&D Heavyweights - lightweight impresarios.


The Axiom XX road frame

Cyclefit and Seven Cycles share the same ethic that anything short of perfection is a real shame and an opportunity lost. Moreover we commend Seven for their unswerving commitment to craftsmanship and provenance. They, like Cyclefit, feel that where in the world something is made and the lives of the people that make the products, is crucial to the quality and to the relationship the customer enjoys with their bike over time. Seven are titanium specialists. They know more about engineering titanium frames than any other company on earth. Seven White Paper

Seven's frames are beautifully made and owned by many Cyclefit employees and during the ten years we have been building bikes with Seven we have never had to send one back for any warranty issue. Not a one! We like reliability.

We have listed a selection of our most popular framesets that can be built with any type of component to create the dream bike you desire. To see more Seven bikes you can visit Seven Cycles website and our gallery of bespoke builds.

Seven 622 xx brand page

The 622 XX carbon/titanium blend road frame

"Q: What has buying a titanium bike got to do with the mystical charms of eating the Fugu (Japanese Puffer Fish)?"

"A: The answer is neither should be rationally contemplated on a budget or without knowing the precise provenance of the raw material and more especially the chef/welder who will ultimately prepare it for you."

Seven Models and Options

Seven are custom specialists. In that spirit there are literally thousands of possibilities and options available to you to make your bicycle as perfect and personalised as possible. Our job is to make sure that we curate your project perfectly so exclude the things you don't need, but also to think ahead to the things that you may need in the future. This is vital because Seven's last decades and hundreds of thousands of miles. they are the quintessential bikes for life!

The XX, SL & S

All Sevens are handmade in Boston US, from US milled titanium that is drawn, swaged, butted and shaped in-house. The raw titanium is exactly the same from model to model, but the processes the tubing will go through are dramatically different.

In simple terms the more elaborate the tubing processes the more expensive the frame will be - Seven Titanium White-Paper


Can be applied to 622, Axiom or Evergreen.

XX is a result of a year long project by Seven founder, Rob Vandermark to re-imagine what is possible with the metal that he knows better than any other person in the world. The context was that the world was moving towards disc-braked bikes, so the frames need to be both stiffer and stronger, but no heavier. No other titanium builder has managed this. But Rob has. XX is the pinnacle of what is possible with superb design and engineering, regardless of cost. Triple-butted, shaved, honed, polished to a fraction of a millimetre. It is important to remember XX frames are still designed to last a true lifetime.

    What features are included in the XX models?

    • Up to 300 grams of weight savings
    • XX Triple ultra light butted tubes
    • Internal brake routing
    • Asymmetric Fastback dropouts and 1" chainstays
    • Lighter bottom bracket. English (or T47)
    • Modified breather holes

      What options are separate from XX and still require an upcharge?
    • Moto seatstays - £120.00
    • Dropped or Chopped chainstays - £330.00/£495.00


    Historically Seven's signature tubeset. SL Denotes that the tubeset is double-butted. All Seven's tube process are completed in house - Seven White Paper - Engineering titanium is ferociously difficult, time-consuming and therefore expensive. SL means that each tube is selected and engineered change the wall-thickness of the tube twice along its length.

    Seven SL Frameset


    Seven's S level frames use plain-gauge - i.e. non-butted tubes. These frames are perfect for high-mileage tourers or commuter bikes where strength and longevity is more important than weight.

    Seven S Frameset

    Our short video below explains the link between the Cyclefit process and designing a custom bicycle to fit and ride perfectly.

    "Seven's last for decades and hundreds of thousands of miles. they are the quintessential bikes for life!"

    What our clients say

    • "Honestly these are great (custom orthotics). My feet feel totally balanced and stable and I‘m not searching for the pedal when I want to push it. They’ve made a massive difference.”"

      Tom Pidcock

      Olympic MTB Gold Medallist

    • "Hey Julian and Phil, I hope you are both well. I just completed a 21 hour week on my new 165mm cranks and I am in love. They feel so so great! Thank you for all your help. I’ve never felt so comfortable on my bike before. All the best, Hannah"

      Hannah Barnes

      National Champion / Professional Bike Rider

    • "Very very personalised service. You arrive, they expect you, greet you by first name, have checked your file from past visits and set out very clearly what the process will be, what issues they're looking to address and how and they are happy to take the time to walk you through everything in layman's terms. Almost any professional service entity could learn a lot from how Cyclefit works. "

      Peter G.

      Recreational rider

    • "A different level of professionalism! Super friendly and they really cared."


      Regular cyclist

    • "I have been able to ride every day since the fit. So far I have had no pain which feels like a miracle!"

      Neilson Powless

      Professional Cyclist - Education First - Easypost